Bengt Gunnar (Bege) Jonsson
- ECCB2018.
As a single issue, this is clearly our main task for the coming 1.5 year. ECCB
is our major brand and potentially more known among European conservation
scientists than SCB itself. Our conference has to be a scientific, social and
economic success. I am optimistic since our host in Jyväskylä, Finland are
reliable and devoted.
- Outreach
to and communication with our members. During the last years we have made
significant progress in establishing an active social media presence which I am
sure has taken our visibility to a new level. We need to keep this good work
up. The engagement in student conferences and courses as well as the Awards we
have given, represent other important parts of the interaction with our members.
Supporting the next generation of conservation scientist is a strategic target
for the section. Perhaps more difficult, but not less important is to promote
the establishment of Chapters. This can only happen by identification of
individuals that have a strong motivation for this. We need to keep our eyes
and ears open to make sure that we see these potential enthusiasts and give
them our support.
- We
should try to reach out to East Europe. This is something that Barbara Mihok
stressed repeatedly and I do fully agree! There is a special challenge that
relates to language and resources that limits the potential for East European
researchers to fully engage within European conservation. Compared to Western
Europe (wherever the exact border is can be discussed), our East European
colleagues, although highly skilled, works with much limited funding and the
use of English as a working language is not as wide spread. This represent
concrete obstacles and although I do not have any solution or identified activity
at this stage, I do feel that we should make a stronger effort to transform
SCB-ES a truly Pan-European organization.
should make its voice heard on European conservation policy. Being a scientific
organization gives us a special position and if managed well an opportunity to
influence. However, there is a main challenge in selecting the right topics for
engagement. By no mean do I criticize the work done by our Policy Committee so
far, but clearly a major task for the PC is to scan relevant topics and being
pro-active rather than re-active.
- There is
an ongoing process within SCB that relates to the degree of independence of the
Sections. This may be a small issue if we decide to retain the current status,
but may be a major issue if we decide to seek a higher level of independence
- I list
the budget last, not because it is less important than other issue, but because
it represent our ability to achieve goals rather than a goal in itself. For
2017 the budget is slim since the resources provided by SCB global has been
strongly cut. It suggest that we need to ensure profit from ECCB and also
preferably to identify some European sponsor for our work. It seems like we
cannot rely on the global to feed us in the future, regardless of our status as
a Section.
Any one of you members are more than welcome to contact me,
or someone else on the Board of Directors, for comments and reflections on how
you would like to see the Section develop during the coming years.
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