Guest Post by Tiffany Ki, Student Blogging Contest Series 2019
About the author
From the 27th-31st
August, I attended the Student Conference in Conservation Science (SCCS) Europe
2019, hosted at the MTA Limnological institute in beautiful Tihany, Hungary. The
presentations, posters and workshops were fantastic and perhaps unique to this
conference there were also many group activities, like lunchtime dips and chats
in Lake Balaton. All participants of the conference (including plenary speakers)
took part in these together, which allowed us to get to know each other very
well. This conference helped me gain insights and inspirations. First, I will
take you first through these new insights into my board game; and then into the
inspiration to develop my hemipteran identification skills.
The insights for my board game…
Faced with severe threats on our
ecosystems posed by human activity and the general undervaluing of the natural
world, as a researcher I see that conservation cannot be done without the public
being on board – thus I am driven to improve public awareness of ecosystem
services. I am developing a board game focused on highlighting the concepts and
values of ecosystem services. Unlike common resource management games, e.g.
Monopoly, where individuals can develop infinitely, the board game will first
allow the player to conduct industrial development at no cost, but later on the
ecosystems will become unstable due to the high biodiversity loss. Players then
must pay the price incurred by the loss of these ‘free’ ecosystem services.
During the conference, Dr. Eszter
Kelemen gave a plenary talk and workshop on the diversity of values people hold
for nature and the difficulties that this poses for policy, such as in her work
on the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Services (IPBES). Before we discussed IPBES and values of nature, Eszter
proposed that the word ‘value’ itself is hugely subjective, in that it could mean:
- a measure (the most superficial), e.g. the greater monetary value of one forest over another
- a preference, e.g. to develop on degraded land as opposed to primary forest;
- an importance, e.g. primary forests are more important for biodiversity;
- or a matter of principles, e.g. conservation of biodiversity should be a priority
Most valuations of nature are just
at the level of measure. Indeed, I had never thought of values as having
multiple levels, and this troubled me as I could not imagine how it would be
possible to embrace this multidimensionality in my board game! She further
suggested that until we are able to use a pluralistic approach to ‘value’
nature itself with variable methodologies, it will only push for incentives in
this direction and never go beyond seeing nature as a measure or matter of
preference. We then saw this in practice when we participated in her workshop –
each group had a set methodology and we all came to different conclusions
regarding whether or not a development project on a hypothetical island was ‘valuable’.
Needless to say, that afternoon I came to view the creation of this game as a
momentous challenge, perhaps one that should not even be attempted as it was
bound for failure – but then I had a chat with Eszter about my idea. She wasn’t
nearly as pessimistic about it as I was. In fact, she thought my idea was
rather exciting. It’s true that would be impossible to encapsulate the true
diversity of ‘values’ for our ecosystems within this game, but it was
possible to promote some of its diversity. This is a start to allowing people
to realise this true plurality. As I develop my board game, I will continue to
discuss these kinds of things with Eszter.
Another source of insight for my
board game came from Devesh Gadhavi, who has been working on the conservation
of the Critically Endangered Great Indian Bustard (GIB). He and his colleagues
from the Corbett Foundation have developed a holistic conservation project
involving a range of people, from villagers to politicians, that addresses needs
from structuring crop rotation for the conservation of the species, to meeting
social needs such as improving female literacy and providing 24 hour veterinary
care. This has seen great success recently with the whole community coming
together to care for and protect the GIB and its habitat.
One of the tools Devesh developed is the board game, ‘GIB My Friend’, to
improve public awareness of the threats and conservation interventions for the
species. Hearing about his work has given me hope that my board game too might
one day bring more people to care about our ecosystems and protect them. Devesh
has given me invaluable advice on making my board game, and I have built a
connection with a future mentor.
![]() |
The board game, ‘GIB My Friend’ |
The inspiration to learn to identify
hemiptera well…and quickly!
The inspiration to learn to identify hemiptera well…and quickly!
As a researcher interested in
understanding arthropod diversity and functional ecology in order to develop
management strategies to improve ecosystem functioning, I was truly amazed by
the community ecology research presented at the conference. One thing I was
confronted with was my lack of knowledge in hemiptera, given their importance
to functional diversity, and I left the conference driven to put more time into
them. I also anticipate I will be learning lots from hemipterist Jelena Šeat! I’d
also like to congratulate Andreas for winning the best Community Ecology
presentation – I look forward to reading more about it in his Community
Ecology paper!
Finally, I’d like to thank the SCCS
Europe team. I highly recommend this interdisciplinary conference to any early
career researcher interested in connecting their work to conservation science! I
greatly increased my understanding of science and policy in Europe, and befriended
many amazing researchers that I’m excited to collaborate with them on future
About the author
Tiffany Ki is an applied ecologist who is working as a
Policy Intern at the British Ecological Society, after finishing her Master’s
degree at University of East Anglia (UK) in summer 2019; and she is the current
Varley-Gradwell Travelling Fellow in Insect Ecology.
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